P10-Standard Kit
P1-Bright Piano
P2-Nylon Guitar
P3-Acoustic Bass
P4-Fast Rotary
P5-Charang Lead
P7-Jazz Guitar
P8-Stereo Strings
P11-Choir Aahs
P12-Strings 2
P13-Grand Piano
P14-Grand Piano
P15-Grand Piano
P16-Grand Piano
P17-Grand Piano
P18-Grand Piano
P19-Grand Piano
P20-Grand Piano
P21-Grand Piano
P22-Grand Piano
P23-Grand Piano
P24-Grand Piano
P25-Grand Piano
P26-Standard Kit
P27-Grand Piano
P28-Grand Piano
P29-Grand Piano
P30-Grand Piano
P31-Grand Piano
P32-Grand Piano
A To D
O Tannenbaum
VGuaraldi Jazz Version
Jazz Drum Set
Acoustic Bass
Piano image is split
into Ch 1-9 11-15
and spread left to
right bass to treble
as facing the
piano keyboard
Sequenced by
DWBarnes ...
Distortion Guitar
Lead 2 sawtooth
FX4 atmosphere
Electric Guitar clean
Honky-tonk Piano
Pad 7 halo
Fretless Bass
Pad 3 polysynth
Pad 8 sweep
Pad 1 new age
Pad 2 warm
Pad 1 new age
SynthStrings 1
Cowbell / Low Agogo
Kick Drum 1
Snare Drum 1
O ...